Numeral variation in LSMY – Josefina Safar, Olivier Le Guen, Gerli Collí Collí, Merlí Collí Hau.
Yucatec Maya Sign Language and its Signers
This book places the reader in the context in which the language emerges and offers data about its creators and its users' experience. It is the result of a research project that includes people from various communities of study, including some of them who are signers.
Le Guen O. & M. Pacheco (2019) “Hand Speech. Yucatec Maya Sign Language and its Signers”.
MASTER CLASSMarch 2nd, 2019 – Puebla, Mexico.
Le Guen O. (2019) “New Advances in Yucatec Maya Sign Language studies” realized by LSMY Research Project members.
Eighth Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies
Panel organized by K. Mesh and O. Le GuenJuly 4th and 8th, 2018 - Cape Town, South Africa
Le Guen O., R. Kinil Canche, M. Collí Hau, G. Collí Collí (2018) Person reference in Yucatec Maya Sign Language (Mexico) in Gesture and its role in sign language emergence
Conferencia Wenner GrenJuly 4th and 8th, 2018 - Cape Town, South Africa
Le Guen O. (2018) Yucatec Maya multimodal interaction as a proto-Yucatec Maya Sign Language
Panel organized by K. Coperrider y O. Le GuenJuly 4th and 8th, 2018 - Cape Town, South Africa
Le Guen O. (2018) A typological sketch of gesture in Yucatec Maya (Mexico) in Gestural diversity and gestural typology
UNAMMay, 7th, 2018 – CDMX.
Le Guen O. (2018) The emergence of a new indigenous language in Mexico: The Yucatecan Maya Sign Language.
October 2nd, 2017 – Chetumal, Q. Roo, Mexico.
Le Guen O. (2017) “A New Indigenous Language in Mexico: Yucatec MayaSign Language”.
7th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies
Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3July 18th, 2016 - París, Francia
Le Guen O. (2016) Paths of lexicalization from Yucatec Maya co-speech gestures to Yucatec Maya Sign Language signs Panel: From co-speech gesture to sign. Cases of sign language creation in Middle and South America (Olivier Le Guen, organizer)
Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3July 21st, 2016 - París, Francia
Safar J. (2016) A long thing for "chopping"– how verbs become nouns in Yucatec Maya Sign Languages.
Conferencia en Lünd University
Departamento de LinguísticaMayo 5, 2016 - Lünd, Sweden
Le Guen O. (2016) Why are Yucatec Mayas good at inventing sign languages? From multimodal interaction to Yucatec Maya Sign Languages.
Seminario Högre
Stockholm University Mayo 3, 2016 - Stockholm, Sweden
Le Guen O. (2016) Multimodal interaction among the Yucatec Mayas as a basis for the creation of similar varieties of Yucatec Maya Sign Languages.
PhD Festival
Stockholm UniversityApril 15, 2016 - Stockholm, Sweden
Safar J. (2016) Lexical variation in Yucatec Maya Sign Languages: Methodological and ethical issues.
XII Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research
Enero 5, 2016 - Melbourne, Australia
Safar J. y O. Le Guen (2016) Intergenerational evolution of the use of signing space in Yucatec Maya Sign Language.
Universidad de Paris 8
Octubre 5, 2015 - París, Francia
Le Guen O. (2015) La documentation de la langue des signes maya yucatèque, Laboratoire Structures formelles du langage.
1st Colloquium "Lenguas de Señas Emergentes de las Américas"
September 10th, CIESAS, CDMX
Safar J. (2015) Variación léxical en Lenguas de Señas Maya Yucatecas. Aspectos metodológicos, prácticos y éticos.
September 11st, CIESAS, CDMX
Petatillo Chan, R. (2015) Comparación de las formas de mano en representaciones de objetos y acciones entre hablantes de maya yucateco y señantes de LSMY.
September 11st, CIESAS, CDMX
Kinil Canché, R. (2015) Referencia a persona en la Lengua de Señas Maya Yucateca.
Seminar "Textlinguistik und Diskursanalyse" - Institute for German Sign Language
University of HamburgMay 21st, 2015 - Hamburg, Germany
Safar J. (2015) Beyond the capital D: What do Discourse studies and Deaf communities have in common?.
Seminar "Kritisches Lesen: Gesellschaftliche Normen und Gebärdensprachen"
Institute for German Sign LanguageMay 21st, 2015 - Hamburg, Germany
Safar J. (2015) Doing CDA about an indigenous sign language: Theoretical implications and practical challenges.
Susan Goldin Meadow's Lab
November 22nd, 2013 - Chicago, IL, EEUU
Le Guen O. (2013) Paths of lexicalization and grammaticalization of gestures into a new sign language.
Conference of Indigenous Language of Latin America
CILLA VIOctober 24th y 25th - 2013, Austin Texas, EEUU
Le Guen O. (2013) A new Mesoamerican language: the Yuctec Maya sign Language.
Third International Seminar on Indigenous Languages
INALIOctober 24th, 2014 - Mérida, Yuc., México
Le Guen O., Kinil Canche R., Petatillo Balam, R., Petatillo Chan, R. & L.I. Pool Balam (2014). The Yucatecan Mayan Sign Language. A new language in Mesoamerica.
XII International Meeting of Linguistics in the Northwest
November 14th, Hermosillo, Mexico
Le Guen (2012) Intergenerational evolution of the pronominal system in the Yucatec Mayan Sign Language (YMSL)
EuroBABEL workshop Rural signing varieties: social dynamics and linguistic structure
November 7th, 2012 - Leiden, Holanda
Le Guen (2012) Intergenerational evolution of pronominal system in a new language: the Yucatec Maya Sign Language.
Nijmegen Gesture Center, MPI Nijmegen
December 2nd, Netherlands
Le Guen, O. (2011) An overview of Yucatec Maya Sign Language and its origins
Ethnology Colloquium, Hamburg University
November 15th, Hamburg, Germany
Le Guen, O. (2011) Do emergent languages get created from scratch? The case of Yucatec Maya Sign Language and its sociolinguistic setting