Our team is conformed of people from several nationalities and towns; although everyone has the same importance but still various contributions. Between 2013 and 2016, the research project was conformed of 10 members that participated actively. For 2019, we were conformed of 9 members of which only two persons that are deaf and monolingual in LSMY, other members in the team speak or signs in at least 3 different languages (Mayan, LSMY and Spanish).
LSMY research project Coordinator
Is an anthropo-linguist specialist of culture and the Yucatec Mayan language. He is the LSMY Research Projects coordinator and is technical responsible for the Proyecto Frontera de la Ciencia from CONACyT [FC-2016_2893].
Her interest in the study of LSMY is to find out which are the sociolinguistic factors that allow the emergency of the LSMY in various communities. She interests, in particular, in the comparison of lexicon in various communities of speech in the Yucatan peninsula.
She is doing her bachelor’s thesis supervised by Dr. Le Guen and he looks to understand socialization system traits of utilized language in Yucatec Maya Sign language. LSMY is original as it is learned at the same time that is builds itself. The study is comparative for understanding how language socialization is given in LSMY through acts of speech between families from the same town and between various communities.
UnO student and Mayan speaker.
Alfredo is looking to understand the preference in terms of the use of spatial reference frames. The question is to know if the deaf, by only using a visual modality in their interaction and being face to face, changes to an egocentric frame or they stay with the geocentric frame (preferred among Yucatecan Mayans). Also, to be evaluated bilinguals-bimodal, those who utilize Yucatec Maya Sign Language and Mayan Language.
UnO student and Mayan speaker.
Rocio is seeking to understand the formation traits of the signs utilized in the Yucatec Maya Sign Language. It is comparative research among various communities which additional goal is to comprehend if this is about the same language or various ones; through this sign formation research.
Translator, Project’s trilingual member.
Merli is a CODA, namely a deaf parent’s daughter and several members of her family (her father, her uncles, and cousins) who are deaf. This has turned her into a trilingual person with sign transcribing capabilities and Elan conversations.
Translator, Project’s trilingual member.
As well as Merli, Daniela is a CODA. She has been translator and research assistant. Her family members (starting off with her own father) that are deaf whence she is capable of transcribing signs and conversations in Elan.
Project’s deaf member.
She learned to transcribe signs and gestures with Elan’s software. She is the signer that recorded the majority of signs in Chicán’s vocabulary.
UnO student and Mayan speaker.
She is doing her bachelor’s degree thesis about acquisition processes and listener-signer children’s attention of Yucatec Maya to Yucatec Maya Sign Language among listener children from Yucatecan Mayan.
UnO student and Mayan speaker.
He is doing her bachelor’s degree thesis about LSMY’s pointing system and its comparison with that of Yucatec Maya speakers.
Arts and Design Master’s degree student from UNAM.
She is responsible for designing a new LSMY Research Project’s web page for its update and above all to place an optimal and updatable way the database of the researched sign language in the various towns in the peninsula.
Postdoctoral Researcher in the Project and laboratory: Structure Formelle du Language (Paris, France).
She is of French origin; she will be dedicated to the study usages in character’s perspective (also known as Constructed Action) in LSMY. Dr. Martinod conducted her doctoral thesis work in Brasil researching various emergent languages from Belém’s region and will propound a comparison between various languages.
He is originally from Ivory Coast in Africa and will work about the LSMY’s linguistic structures during a 6 months period. Dr. Anguoa Tano has worked about other emergent languages in Africa particularly Bouakako’s sign language.
Bachelor’s degree student of Intercultural Development from UNAM (CDMX).
Is interested in comprehending what type of relationships has emerged or has been modified nowadays among deaf people in and out of town.